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9 Best Tools for AI Note-Taking in 2024

Check out these tools for automatic, digital note-taking to improve your meeting flow and recordkeeping.

By Shayna Waltower  •   January 5, 2024  •   12 min read

A significant part of having productive meetings is taking thorough, accurate, and clear notes.

This is where you’ll keep track of decisions that were made, who was assigned which action items, and what questions the group discussed. What if you had a tool that could do all this for you so you could instead focus on contributing to the conversation?

Now you can, with artificial intelligence (AI) note-taking tools.

What is AI note-taking?

AI note-taking is when artificial intelligence organizes, captures, and processes information within notes. Thanks to natural language processing (NLP), machine learning, and voice transcribers, AI note-taking software makes writing and organizing notes easier and more productive. 

This technology was designed to understand context, pinpoint key points and action items, and interpret ideas with a human-like understanding. Using AI for note-taking is like having a personal assistant to write your notes for you, giving you the time to focus on other tasks.

Benefits of AI note-taking

AI makes capturing and managing information a breeze. Below are some of the key benefits of AI note-taking.

1Improved accuracy

Through machine learning, the best note-taking AI platforms are constantly getting to know the ins and outs of languages, accents, and speech patterns. This continued learning reduces their risk of transcription errors.

AI-powered note-taking tools also capture every important detail of your meetings, so you can be confident that they’re thoroughly documented. You and your team will leave your meetings with a comprehensive record of talking points, decisions, and next steps.

2Saved time

If you ever wished you had an extra pair of hands during a meeting, your wish has been granted. AI tools can automatically transcribe spoken words into written text and condense all this information into text summaries and organized points. This means there’s no need for you to manually type notes while trying to keep up with the conversation. That’s especially helpful if you’re generating meeting minutes since these must be complete transcripts of your discussions.

3Superior organization

Just about every organization can use some help with, well… organization. That’s another benefit that AI note-taking apps bring to the table since they make sure all your talking points are systematically recorded.

Think about it like this: Having thorough records of your meetings is great, but having them all neatly sorted is a game-changer. Digital note-taking tools make this happen with little thought on your end. They tag and categorize your notes based on key topics so that when your team needs to dig into details, they can easily find them.

4Easy accessibility

With AI note-taking tools, your notes aren’t bound by your laptop’s storage capacity. Instead, they live in the cloud for your entire team to quickly and easily access. That’s a bonus for everyone—it makes teamwork a breeze and increases flexibility.

Gone are those “I left my notes at my desk” mini-panic moments when you use AI note-taking tools. Instead, you’ll have a trusty assistant that keeps your notes in your back pocket at all times. Whether you’re working on a project at a coffee shop or talking with stakeholders, you’ll have your notes ready to reference wherever you go.

5Several customization options

AI note-taking tools include features for changing your notes’ format to give them some personality and make important points pop. When you want your notes to have a bit more flair, change up the format to make them visually appealing when you review them later.

Many AI tools go a step further to make sure your notes don’t rely on a one-size-fits-all approach by allowing you to change the overall style to match your preferences and shape your notes to match the tone of your meeting.

9 tools for AI note-taking

Looking to find the right AI note-taking tool but need help figuring out where to start?  We break it all down based on what type of notes you need this tool for and how you plan on using it!

Best AI tools for meeting note-taking

Consider these three tools for meeting note-taking.


Just like how Fellow takes good meetings and turns them into great meetings, it does the same for note-taking! No matter what type of meeting you’re hosting, from all hands to one-on-ones, Fellow ensures meeting notes are collaborative, so no detail or action item ever falls through the cracks.

With Fellow’s AI-powered features, you can share effortless meeting recordings and searchable transcriptions with your team, leverage simplified meeting summaries and key points for efficient knowledge sharing, and capture and sync action items to ensure nothing gets missed. Plus, with a complete history of meeting notes archived in Fellow, you’ll never forget what was discussed. 

Meeting notes can also be sent with a single click of a button—by email or Slack—so that everyone feels like they’re a part of the discussion. Check out more of what Fellow can do with AI!


  • Has integrations with popular meeting applications, including Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Google Meet
  • Generates meeting analytics to show meeting behavior across your organization


  • There is no free plan offered for teams with more than 10 people
  • The desktop app requires a WiFi connection to save autosave notes


Next is ClickUp, an all-in-one productivity platform that can streamline workflow, enhance team collaboration, and boost company-wide productivity. It also boasts an AI-powered assistant tailored to individual roles and specific use cases. This AI assistant can save users time by generating summaries of meeting notes so individuals can work faster and get more done!

The tool can also instantly pull out action items and insights from meeting notes so team members can immediately get started on responsibilities and tasks.

  • G2 rating: 4.7 out of 5 stars with 9,200+ reviews
  • Pricing: Available on all paid plans for $5 per workspace member per month.


  • Automatically generates action items and subtasks based on the contents of your notes
  • Summarizes comment threads for an overview of discussions between team members


  • Only the paid plans feature AI tools
  • It can be difficult to learn to use this tool if you’re new to complex project management and AI software


Organization is part and parcel of Avoma, which helps maximize your efficiency when reviewing and sharing notes from your meetings. Avoma features live bookmarks that categorize talking points so even your most disorganized discussions become structured in your notes. This tool also crafts one-page summaries so you can grasp all your meeting’s important info at a glance.

After your meeting, you can use Avoma to extract and share video and text snippets from your meeting. This way, you spare your team from sifting through lengthy notes when you want to highlight specific points.

  • G2 rating: 4.6 out of 5 stars with 1,000+ reviews
  • Pricing: The free plan is limited to 1,200 transcription minutes per user per month. Paid plans start at $19 per user per month and range from 3,600 to unlimited transcription minutes per user per month.


  • Tracks conversation topics based on categories you create and enter
  • Integrates with more than 20 conferencing, collaboration, and CRM tools


  • The paid plans are pricier than other AI software on the market
  • Some users say that the interface is initially a bit difficult to navigate

Best AI tools for personal note-taking

Below are the two best AI tools for personal note-taking.


Reflect offers users a simple interface, AI integrations, and secure features that make personal note-taking a more streamlined experience. It can instantly sync your notes across devices, keep track of meetings and agendas, and easily recall and index past notes and ideas. It also boasts end-to-end encryption so only you can access your notes.

Reflect uses GPT-4 and Whisper from OpenAI to improve your writing and organize your thoughts, acting as a second brain you can access from anywhere.

  • G2 rating: 4.7 out of 5 stars with just over 40 reviews.
  • Pricing: $10 per month


  • Syncs information between devices in real time whether you’re online or offline
  • Imports events from Google Calendar and Outlook so you can easily keep track of your meeting notes


  • There isn’t an app for Android or Windows/Linux OS
  • Security settings prevent Reflect from accessing all your notes, so it can’t thoroughly search them


Next is Evernote, which is also great for personal note-taking. Its AI Note Cleanup tool can tidy up messy, scattered notes without altering their original meaning or tone. It can also automatically add formatting, rephrase incoherent sentences, and fix typos! Evernote can generate a revised version of notes with added structure and improved clarity in just a few clicks.

  • G2 rating: 4.4 out of 5 stars with 2,000+ reviews
  • Pricing: AI Note Cleanup will be available to customers on all Evernote plans for a limited time.


  • AI-powered search answers questions you enter into the search bar based on your notes
  • Evernote offers a 30-day free trial


  • The free version only allows you to sync data on two devices
  • The Evernote Teams plan can be pricey for organizations with many team members

Best AI tools for voice transcription

If you need an AI tool for voice transcription, check out these two!


Otter is an AI transcription tool that turns spoken language into written text. If your team needs to transcribe audio from interviews, lectures, webinars, or video meetings, Otter can do it for you with impressive accuracy. Plus, Otter’s algorithms can distinguish between different speakers in a conversation and label each section of the transcript with the speaker’s name so there’s never any confusion about who said what.

  • G2 rating: 4.2 out of 5 stars with 170 reviews
  • Pricing: The free plan is limited to 300 minutes of transcription per month, with a pro plan for $10 per user per month.


  • Syncs with major video conferencing platforms and can take notes even if you don’t attend a meeting
  • Downloads slides from virtual meetings and automatically adds them to notes


  • Word spellings aren’t always accurate in audio transcripts
  • This tool has trouble transcribing audio from speakers with accents


Next is Speak, ideal for individual and bulk uploading of audio, video, and text data. Speak can convert audio and video to text with automated transcription, import files for bulk analysis, and capture recordings with an embeddable recorder. Users can also create notes directly in Speak or use various integrations to automate capture. And, for those who don’t want to spend hours analyzing audio, video, and text data, Speak Magic Prompts can do it for you. 

  • G2 rating: 4.9 out of 5 stars with 15 reviews
  • Pricing: Free for one user with a pay-as-you-go transcription rate, with a paid plan for $57 per month and 15 hours of transcription.


  • Automatically tracks keywords to analyze insights within your organization
  • Supports more than 70 languages


  • The application’s dashboard might seem confusing to some users
  • Transcribing text from lengthy meeting recordings can take a while

Best AI tools for editing notes

Need help editing your notes? Consider these two tools.

Notion AI

Notion AI is a great choice for fixing spelling and grammar mistakes, translating text, editing voice and tone, and making your notes shorter or longer. If you’re a messy note-taker, Notion AI can summarize what’s important and actionable. Don’t have 30 minutes to write up a summary? Let Notion AI do it in 30 seconds. Suffering from writer’s block? It can also handle the first draft for you.

  • G2 rating: 4.7 out of 5 stars with 5,000+ reviews
  • Pricing: Users can add the AI features to any paid Nation plan for $8 per member per month, billed annually.


  • The AI-powered writing tool can expand on meeting notes to complete thoughts or add to a main point
  • Meeting summaries can be generated from notes in seconds


  • The customization options can be complex to navigate and use
  • The mobile app doesn’t offer as many features as the desktop app


Jasper is another great editing option, but it can also help you create your blogs, articles, books, scripts, and any other content. Its long-form document editor is an extremely powerful tool that allows you to write full documents with AI-assisted outputs. It also boasts a plagiarism detector, so you don’t have to worry about accidentally stealing someone else’s words.

  • G2 rating: 4.7 out of 5 stars with 1,200+ reviews
  • Pricing: Three paid plans are available, starting at $39 per month per user


  • Takes meeting notes and transforms them into creative text and documents
  • Allows you to set brand voice settings so meeting summaries are produced according to your organization’s style


  • The free trial lasts only seven days
  • There is no completely free version of the tool offered

Best overall tool for all of your note-taking needs

Fellow stands out as a top-tier AI tool that’s as important of a meeting guest as the rest of your team members. Fellow’s AI meeting manager gives you accurate meeting transcriptions, key talking points, and summaries for every meeting.

Fellow also creates a centralized hub for all your meeting items. This way, there’s no more scrambling to find where you saved your meeting agenda. During meetings, you can remain fully present while your AI assistant is hard at work transcribing, recording, and summarizing the meeting content. 

At the end of each meeting, you get a complete recap. This means you don’t have to worry about who’s in charge of taking and distributing notes. Instead, you can send them out immediately after your meeting without any manual action on your end. In this regard, your AI assistant boosts productivity since everyone will be crystal clear on the next steps, improving your task management. All in all, Fellow’s AI assistant is the ultimate helping hand.

Note-taking has never been easier with Fellow

If you’re ready to supercharge your meeting note-taking while lightening your workload, Fellow is the way to go. Fellow’s specialty is all things meetings, so you can trust that your team’s discussions, action items, and feedback are in great hands. 

Fellow offers tons of resources so you can get the most out of your meetings and make good use of your team’s time. You’ll find more than 500 meeting agenda templates on which your team can collaborate, ensuring every important point and detail gets covered. With AI solutions in hand, you’ll have everything you need to make your meetings a success and walk away with lasting results. 

Productive and effective meetings start and end with Fellow. And with Fellow’s AI solutions, they just got even better!

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