🚀 Breathe.

Objectives and Key Results (OKRs)

Say goodbye to disjointed OKRs

Fellow seamlessly integrates OKRs into everyone’s meetings so they’re always top of mind, trackable, and part of discussions and decisions.

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Trusted and loved by the world’s best teams

Create OKRs that stick

OKRs only work if they’re part of everyone’s weekly tasks and priorities. In Fellow, objectives and their progress are linked directly to your meeting notes so your team can easily review progress, resolve challenges, and keep all OKRs on track.

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Simplify goal-setting and tracking

Create a culture of accountability by easily creating objectives and key results for the organization, a team, or an individual. With public and private settings, Fellow is designed to fuel everyone’s individual and collective progress.

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Promote transparency

Make team and organization OKR progress accessible to all users to increase cross-functional alignment. OKR can be updated and comments can be added so everyone has the context and information they need.

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  • “Fellow solves three key problems around running meetings. First, creating the agenda. Then, with the ability to take notes, meeting management becomes much simpler. And finally, tracking the action items that come out of every meeting. Having everything in Fellow means we can track it and follow up on it”

    Mychelle Mollot

    Chief Marketing Officer

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