🚀 Breathe.

Be the world’s greatest meeting host ✨

Fellow 3.2 is here! 🤩 Learn how you can run delightful meetings with the latest Fellow features, integrations, and improvements ⬇️

Trusted and loved by the world’s best teams

Sections ⚡️

Get everyone to prepare for the meeting in advance

As the meeting organizer, getting meeting attendees to provide information in advance can be tedious. Fellow’s sections tell participants what part of the agenda requires their input before the meeting occurs.

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Tags #️⃣

Track decisions, wins, and important information

Throughout your many meetings, the sheer volume of meeting information stored can be overwhelming to find. With Fellow, gather and organize all your meeting data using tags to track any and all specific information.

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Meeting feedback 🎉

Gather feedback at the end of your meeting

Asking for feedback is a great way to understand what attendees like and dislike about your meetings. Fellow makes it easy to ask for feedback about meetings by automating a feedback request after each meeting ends!

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Delegated Access 🎭

Give an assistant or Chief of Staff access to your meeting notes

Sometimes it’s important (and practical) to grant someone else access to your Fellow account. With our new Delegated Access feature, you’ll be able to grant permissions and set expiry dates for someone else to manage your meetings, tasks, or calendar.

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ClickUp Integration 🤩

Sync tasks between Fellow and ClickUp

If your meeting decisions live in Fellow and your project management tasks live in ClickUp, you can now easily integrate both tools so action items show up in both spaces!

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  • “Fellow solves three key problems around running meetings. First, creating the agenda. Then, with the ability to take notes, meeting management becomes much simpler. And finally, tracking the action items that come out of every meeting. Having everything in Fellow means we can track it and follow up on it.

    Mychelle Mollot

    Chief Marketing Officer

Run delightful meetings with Fellow

See why leaders in 100+ countries are using it today.