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All About Optimization Engineers

Learn all about the important engineering role of an optimization engineer and how they can improve your team’s efficiency!

By Brier Cook  •   October 14, 2022  •   7 min read

Engineering is a vast and fascinating field. It’s also an exciting career choice because it combines mathematical and scientific knowledge with creative thinking. 

If you’re considering engineering as a career choice or already have your professional designation and want to make a change, you should look into optimization engineering roles. If you’re an engineering manager, you can think about adding this position to your team to improve the group’s overall effectiveness and project speed. 

Let’s take a look at optimization engineers, what this role entails, the skills the position requires, and how you can become an optimization engineer if you think the role may be a good fit. 

What is an optimization engineer? 

Optimization engineers make existing designs faster, stronger, and more efficient. Their primary function is to ensure web applications are easy to use and durable. They often focus on software applications, but they may also be involved in hardware. 

These engineers spend their time identifying key objectives for projects, recognizing variables and constraints, and working to solve problems that get their team closer to achieving desired results. 

Roles and responsibilities of an optimization engineer

An optimization engineer’s duties vary from company to company. Most commonly, these employees monitor and enhance all key project design features through their research and by designing new algorithms. They may also prepare and analyze production plans, collaborate with operations teams and managers to monitor activities, and mitigate unit risks by managing communication with other internal departments. 

Simply put, optimization engineers optimize operations. These employees use their knowledge and expertise to ensure that projects are completed using the best set of operating conditions. They do so by using several important technical and soft skills. 

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8 optimization engineer skills


Strong research skills are a must. Strong researchers can search for, locate, extract, organize, evaluate, and present information efficiently. Optimization engineers spend their time conducting thorough and accurate research. They also clearly communicate results that will help their team or company make decisions. You can start improving your research skills by asking questions and learning how to best organize information and find credible sources. Better research skills will translate into better project management, better leadership, and better data, too! 


Every problem is a new opportunity to put your skills into practice. Optimization engineers need to be talented problem solvers. Problem-solving is the ability to define challenges, determine their cause, and identify and implement effective solutions. Optimization engineers are in charge of project interventions that increase productivity. To become a better problem solver, work on defining issues within your existing work tasks, generating multiple solutions, implementing the best option, and following up after the implementation phase.

Problem-solving meetings are used by teams to study an issue and its causes, as well as to build an action plan to fix the problem. Check out this free problem-solving template:


Engineers and teamwork are a near-perfect match! Optimization engineers work with one or multiple teams across an organization to better systems and processes. For this reason, these engineers need to be collaborative and open to regular feedback. Developing your teamwork skills will ensure a smooth workflow process. There are a few simple steps that you can take to become a master at collaboration, including asking your supervisor to establish team rules and purpose so you avoid overstepping boundaries, fostering a caring and supportive environment at work, and sharing enthusiasm with your teammates by celebrating everyone’s small wins!

4Attention to detail

Having attention to detail means you can complete a task while demonstrating a thorough concern for all areas involved. Optimization engineers with good attention to detail know that no detail is too small. If you want to improve this skill, monitor and check your work often, ask others to review your projects, and make sure you manage your time well so you don’t need to rush through any processes. If it’s helpful, you can also make daily to-do lists, maintain a consistent schedule, and track your workflow to see where you can improve. 

5Industry-specific skills

Optimization engineers should have a background in advanced mathematics and a deep understanding of computer science concepts like algorithms and data structures. In addition to having a background in the field and one or more degrees in engineering, optimization engineers need to commit to lifelong learning so they can stay on top of industry best practices. For example, optimization engineers in the computer science field may further develop their skills by attending tech conferences and networking events, and taking online courses. 

6Analytical skills 

Analytical skills are the ability to work with data. Optimization engineers need to be analytical thinkers so they can extract key information and data to develop workable solutions for engineering challenges. If you’re skilled in this area, you’ll be able to see patterns and trends that you can later use to draw meaningful conclusions. To develop your analytical skills, read often, participate in (healthy) debates with peers, practice a creative hobby, or complete math problems to exercise your brain!


It’s a common misconception that engineers lack communication skills—in fact, the best engineers are stellar communicators! Optimization engineers need to be able to clearly communicate complex ideas and technical project plans with their team regularly. While the work of these engineers may be technical and complex, good communication allows engineers to brainstorm effectively and explain to non-engineers the purpose and vision for each of their projects. To hone your communication skills, practice actively listening, proofread and simplify your writing, be specific, and be aware of non-verbal communication cues. 


Innovation is the drive to break the status quo and develop new solutions for existing problems. This is an especially important skill for optimization engineers because their work focuses on bettering systems, rather than fixing them. When you’re innovative, it’s easier to adapt and overcome the challenges that come with change. Innovators in the engineering field can combine their expertise in business and technology to exceed their team’s and client’s expectations. 

How to become an optimization engineer 

If you want to become an optimization engineer, there are a few career paths you can take. Most of these roles require a bachelor’s or master’s degree in engineering. For example, if you plan to work in manufacturing, you’ll need a degree in mechanical engineering or another relevant engineering discipline. If you want to pursue a career in computer systems, working towards a software engineering degree is a great option. While an undergraduate education may be sufficient, employers usually prefer applicants with a master’s degree in engineering or a professional engineer (PE) license. All optimization engineers should have a background in advanced mathematics, which is typically a base requirement to pursue an engineering education. 

While the path to an optimization engineering career isn’t linear, there are many ways to transition into this type of role. 

If you’re already an engineer and want to secure an optimization engineering role, there are many certifications you can obtain and courses you can take as well. For example, the professional development website Naukri offers a wide range of engineering courses you can explore to refine your skills. If you transition to an optimization engineering role from a different position, your company may be able to provide you with the additional training required to succeed in this new role. Years of experience through internships or similar positions may also be required.

Why optimization engineers are important

The late American engineer Edwards Deming once said, “Optimization is when everyone is working to help the company.” Optimization engineers can enhance the great work you’re already doing and bring your team to the next level! 

The benefit is in the name; if you want your team’s work to be optimized, consider adding this role to your engineering team. While you may already have engineers who establish processes, build systems, and design products, having one who specializes in optimization will ensure that your performance is maximized and that your team is getting the greatest ROI (return on investment) for their work. When a company optimizes business practices, they reduce costs, improve profits, and can achieve success at a faster rate! 

Parting advice 

The late mathematical scientist George Dantzig once said, “True optimization is the revolutionary contribution of modern research to decision processes.” If you’re obsessed with advancing processes, raising workplace standards, maximizing efficiency, or even pursuing consistent self-improvement, an optimization engineering position may be right for you! 

Alternatively, if you’re looking to hire for a position that will motivate your team to improve their work habits, think about recruiting an optimization engineer or transitioning one of your existing colleagues into this role. 

Happy optimizing!

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