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Reference Check Meeting Template

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To acquire a better understanding of the candidate's skills, knowledge, and talents, use this template to confirm facts on the candidate's resume.

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4 Aug
10:30 - 11 AM
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Reference Check Meeting Template
By Jennie Sanford
Seamless collaboration
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AI suggested talking points
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What’s inside this Reference Check Meeting Template:

1 👋 Intros

Introduce yourself and thank the reference for their time. Explain that the reference check should take 10-15 minutes as you want to be respectful of the reference’s time.

  • Name of Reference:
  • Title (at the time of knowing candidate):

2 🔍 Relationship with applicant

Confirm employment dates and titles they claim on their resume and LinkedIn.

  • Can you tell me about your relationship with [applicant] at [company]?
  • Were you in a position to supervise their work?

3 📌 Applicant experience

Ask questions about the applicant’s day-to-day work and performance at their previous job.

  • How would you describe [applicant’s] work ethic?
  • Can you describe their ability to work with others (their customers, coworkers, stakeholders)?
  • Can you give me an example of how they respond to feedback?

4🌱 Growth opportunities

Inquire about potential areas of improvement.

  • We all have things we can grow and learn throughout our careers, what would you say is an area they could further develop or improve upon?

5💬 Closing thoughts

End the conversation with the following questions (and don’t forget to thank the reference for their time!).

  • If you had the chance to rehire this person again for this same role, would you?
  • Is there anything else you think I should know?
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Jennie Sanford

Template by

Jennie Sanford

Jennie has been working in Human Resources for nearly 10 years and is currently the Head of HR at Fellow.app. She loves being outdoors and also loves to travel. Jennie's other hobby is collecting Pez and adding them to her collection!

  • John Gleeson
    John Gleeson
    VP of Customer Success, Motive

    “I've never seen an app spread so quickly. Within a few weeks, there were hundreds of people using Fellow to follow up on the action items that inevitably come out of every meeting. It's been a game-changer for our team.”

  • Sabrina Leblanc
    Sabrina Leblanc
    Director of Sales, SurveyMonkey

    “Fellow has increased my productivity and has resulted in more collaborative 1:1s & team meetings. My team loves capturing their own agenda items. Getting prompted to add talking points is super handy when jumping from one meeting to the next.”

  • Liam Martin
    Liam Martin
    Co-founder, Time Doctor

    “Fellow has completely changed the way we manage meetings at Time Doctor. With 100+ people in 32 different countries, Fellow was one of the tools that took our remote meetings from confusion to clarity.

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