Mentoring Program Quarterly Check-In
Get this templateWhen building a mentoring program, Mentoring Program Managers can use this quarterly meeting template to get a sense of what's working and what's isn't.

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What’s inside this Mentoring Program Quarterly Check-In:
1 🎯 State the purpose of the meeting
The purpose of this meeting is to share feedback on how the mentorship program is working. Ask participants to start thinking about the following (or prepare these points before the meeting):
- What are some positive outcomes from the program?
- What would you change/improve?
2 📌 State the ground rules of the meeting
These ground rules should be determined as a group and outline how everyone agrees to behave. Examples of ground rules include:
- This is a confidential meeting so everything we share stays here.
- If I ask a question that you are not comfortable answering, just ask me to pass it to the next person.
- At the end of the quarterly meeting, we will provide a summary of comments from both groups but will not identify anyone.
3 👋 The meeting begins
Begin the meeting by telling participants that you would like to hear from everyone and go around the room and ask for answers to the following questions:
- Who is your mentor/mentee?
- How often are you meeting and, on average, how long do you meet?
- What is the one objective you can share that you’re working on and how is that going?
- How is the relationship working for you at this time?
4 ✅ Ending the meeting
Action items and next steps.
- Thank everyone for their feedback
- Remind them of the next meeting date
- Remind them that they will get a summary as indicated earlier