Leadership Strategic Planning: Drafting a Mission Statement Template
Get this templateThis meeting template is meant to guide a leadership team through drafting a mission statement in 60 minutes.
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What’s inside this Leadership Strategic Planning: Drafting a Mission Statement Template:
1Welcome [5 minutes]
Reminder of what is the purpose of this meeting, the expectations, desired outcome.
2 Scope of Work [10 minutes]
Remind the team of what a mission statement entails and why it is important.
3Brainstorming [20 minutes]
Ask each team member to brainstorm the following questions individually. Discuss the answers afterwards.
- Who is the organization serving and why?
- What does this business do? Silent brainstorming words or phrases.
- What problem is your business solving?
4Identify Themes [5 minutes]
Identify themes from the brainstorming and identify commonalities.
5Prioritize Concepts [5 minutes]
Which themes were most dominant? Which themes resonate? Prioritize concepts that should be included in the mission statement.
6Draft Options [10 minutes]
Draft options of the mission statement, tweaking the language accordingly.
7Next Steps [5 minutes]
Determine next steps such as who will be publishing the mission statement.
Anything else to write down?