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Daily Leadership Huddle Template

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Create alignment and open communication between company leaders by bringing them together for a focused 10-minute huddle at the beginning of the day.

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Tue, Aug 4
4 Aug
10:30 - 11 AM
Daily Leadership Huddle
10:30 - 11 AM
1 - 2 PM
4 Aug
9:30 - 11 AM
2 - 3 PM
Daily Leadership Huddle
Today @ 10:30 - 11 AM
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Daily Leadership Huddle Template
By Fellow.app
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Daily leadership huddle meeting overview

What is a daily leadership huddle meeting? 

Daily leadership huddles are short, impactful meetings amongst colleagues that are held on a daily basis in an attempt to create alignment and foster accountability. These meetings between leadership personnel don’t usually last more than 15 minutes and often take place face to face or through virtual telecommunication tools like Zoom or Microsoft Teams. 

What’s the purpose of a daily leadership huddle meeting? 

The daily leadership huddle meeting helps management teams coordinate affairs and communicate updates. These meetings help ensure everyone knows what’s happening on a daily basis, while streamlining communication from one department to another. These huddles also make it possible for leaders to get together to discuss cross-functional matters. Leaders can then take this information back to their teams to ensure everyone across the organization is working towards the same North Star. 

Why are daily leadership huddle meetings important? 

These meetings are crucial for thriving organizations, and our daily leadership huddle agenda template will ensure your meeting runs smoothly from start to finish. Composed of three parts, this template is designed to foster communication and create alignment. Following this template will help you ensure all key personnel are up to date and on the same page. When determining whom to invite, you need to consider the meeting subject matter. In this scenario, you’ll want to make sure everyone from your leadership team is invited and in attendance. 

Hosting daily leadership huddle meetings will ensure: 

  • Employees are aligned and informed
  • Communication is improved and optimized 
  • Departments are collaborating and working towards common goals 

What’s inside this Daily Leadership Huddle:

1Plans for the Day📌

Top priority activities for each leader.

A crucial part of this template is the section that allows all attendees to share their daily updates. These updates can include anything from what they will be accomplishing during the day to updates on their team’s progress in respect to a certain project. Leveraging a meeting agenda will ensure you allocate the right amount of time to this section. It’s imperative that you dedicate enough time so everyone has the chance to share a brief update. 

2⛔️ Issues

Is your team stuck or blocked? How can we help?

It can be hard to foster alignment amongst different departments if you don’t prioritize communication. The issues section of the daily leadership huddle agenda template is where all those in attendance can discuss any issues or blockers. Not only does this provide everyone with the opportunity to discuss any blockers, but it also provides everyone in attendance with the opportunity to speak up and lend a hand. 

3💡 Learnings

Any new insights that may benefit other teams?

This section is where everyone can share their learnings. If you have any insights that you believe will benefit other teams, you can share them here. The same thing goes for everyone else in attendance. This section of the daily leadership huddle agenda template should be used to share insights and provide updates that may benefit other teams or departments. 

How to use a daily leadership huddle agenda template

1Use a conference call and let all team members speak

If your team is working remotely or embracing a hybrid model, a conference call is the easiest way to host a virtual chat for your daily leadership huddle meeting. Scheduling a conference call is quick, easy, and efficient and will ensure everyone is able to chat and provide updates. When hosting a conference call, it’s important that you ensure everyone has the opportunity to speak. Whether you identify all speakers in the agenda or pass the mic from one speaker to the next, it’s important that you provide everyone with an equal opportunity to speak. 

2Hold your daily huddle meetings regularly and keep them short

Hosting regular meetings is key. If you host daily leadership huddle meetings, everyone will know what to expect. If you host sporadic meetings, your colleagues may miss the meetings or fail to prepare adequately. It’s also important to keep your meetings short and sweet. Keeping your meetings short will ensure everyone can attend, and those who attend will also be engaged and more inclined to participate. 

3Pick huddle topics sparingly

These meetings are meant to be short and effective. Picking specific topics may derail the conversation or mean that participants don’t get a chance to share their respective updates. Making sure that everyone speaks and shares an update during the 15-minute period should be your main objective. 

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  • Brittany Forsyth
    Brittany Forsyth
    Former Chief Talent Officer, Shopify

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  • John Gleeson
    John Gleeson
    VP of Customer Success, Motive

    “I've never seen an app spread so quickly. Within a few weeks, there were hundreds of people using Fellow to follow up on the action items that inevitably come out of every meeting. It's been a game-changer for our team.”

  • Sabrina Leblanc
    Sabrina Leblanc
    Director of Sales, SurveyMonkey

    “Fellow has increased my productivity and has resulted in more collaborative 1:1s & team meetings. My team loves capturing their own agenda items. Getting prompted to add talking points is super handy when jumping from one meeting to the next.”

  • Liam Martin
    Liam Martin
    Co-founder, Time Doctor

    “Fellow has completely changed the way we manage meetings at Time Doctor. With 100+ people in 32 different countries, Fellow was one of the tools that took our remote meetings from confusion to clarity.

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