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Cultural Leadership Meeting Template

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Use this template to meet with your leadership team to discuss company-wide and departmental cultural initiatives. Translate HR strategies to action plans.

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Cultural Leadership Meeting Template
By Justin Schiefner
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Cultural Leadership Meeting Template

“Customers will never love a company until the employees love it first.” – Simon Sinek

All companies have a particular way of doing things; with time, it helps shake things up a little and improve the organization’s culture. Influential company culture is essential for its success, so you might be required to form a culture leadership team to transform it. Essentially, this team will comprise all heads of departments, who will implement the cultural adjustments you want to make in their respective dockets wholesomely.

By having the heads of departments on board, you can be sure that the change begins from the top, going down to every staff member. The cultural leadership meetings should happen every three to four weeks, and for maximum effect, it is crucial that you hold them apart from the regular operational meetings.

Depending on your work and the company’s size, we recommend setting aside an hour and a half for the culture leadership meeting. This will give you ample time to discuss the cultural items. Culture is perhaps one of the most critical business items as it sets the stage for all that happens, especially profits and performance.

How to Use a Cultural Leadership Meeting Template

To help organizations like yours hold efficient cultural leadership meetings, we, the fellows at Fellow, came up with this easy-to-use Cultural Leadership Meeting Template. The template has six parts, company-wide action items, departmental action items, deliverables, new initiatives, issues, and notepad, all of which should be part of the agenda.

To hold an effective meeting, you need to follow some meeting practices. Before the meeting, everyone involved must know the meeting agenda beforehand so they can fully prepare. That way, when the meeting finally happens, it doesn’t take a lot of time, and you can effectively discuss all the agenda items.

Come up with your cultural change goal within the group, brainstorm, and decide on it. With that, it’s easy to know what actions you’ll take as the company and individual departments. Once you have established the company-wide action plan, the next thing is to identify the department action items, which the cultural leadership team will take to their respective dockets.

Like any other meeting, you must also discuss all the issues and how to solve them. Keeping minutes and a notepad where you jot down anything important that doesn’t fit any of the abovementioned parts.

What’s inside this Cultural Leadership Meeting Template:

“We can change culture if we change behavior.” — Dr. Aubrey Daniels

To have high-performing teams, a company needs to change how everything works to improve productivity. That is why every organization needs to have a cultural leadership team, which meets as often as they can, and this is where our meeting template comes in. So what is in the template?

1🏢 Company-wide action items

Discuss with the People Ops team company-wide cultural action items.

Here is where you list down the action items for the entire company. How do you want to achieve culture change as an organization? What is the action plan? How do you bring everyone on board? All these questions need to be answered when doing the meeting. Discuss with the People Ops team the company-wide cultural action items.

2💬 Departmental action items

Discuss with the People Ops team departmental cultural action items.

Outline the departmental action items for each department. What are the department’s cross-functional capabilities? How do the people within the specific department relate? How are they looking to achieve their set of goals? This is where you consult with the People Ops team to discuss the departmental action items.

3📝 Deliverables

What deliverables are in the works? Any updates?

Are there any deliverables you are working on? If so, what is the progress? All the people involved with the deliverables give their status update reports, and members discuss the way forward. If the deliverables are ready, they should be compiled and distributed among the members for further discussion.

4🆕 New initiatives

Discuss new initiatives we should implement.

Are there any new initiatives you can implement? List them here and discuss them extensively, as they will mark a new chapter in improving the company culture. It’s essential always to develop new initiatives, as they will prevent the program from becoming stale. New updates should be given to everyone as soon as they have been approved by the cultural leadership team and People Ops.

5🚧 Issues

List any issues to be resolved.

All programs hit a snag at one point or the other, and while cultural change might seem simple, in truth, it’s hard work. Issues will crop up; maybe some employees are not cooperative, among other problems, and you need to discuss all issues to be solved. The earlier the problem is dealt with, the better.

6✏️ Notepad

Anything else to write down?

Is there anything else that you need to write down? The notepad holds all the other information you will need to talk about but is not categorized in the abovementioned parts. Anything that comes to mind that relates to the cultural change project should be listed here to be discussed promptly.

To improve the company’s overall productivity, the culture needs to change, and every employee should be on the same page. At Fellow, we love meetings and strive to make them coherent, and meeting participants can follow the proceedings in real-time using our template. Use our cultural leadership meeting template to improve your meetings as the first step toward changing your company’s culture.

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Justin Schiefner

Template by

Justin Schiefner

  • John Gleeson
    John Gleeson
    VP of Customer Success, Motive

    “I've never seen an app spread so quickly. Within a few weeks, there were hundreds of people using Fellow to follow up on the action items that inevitably come out of every meeting. It's been a game-changer for our team.”

  • Sabrina Leblanc
    Sabrina Leblanc
    Director of Sales, SurveyMonkey

    “Fellow has increased my productivity and has resulted in more collaborative 1:1s & team meetings. My team loves capturing their own agenda items. Getting prompted to add talking points is super handy when jumping from one meeting to the next.”

  • Liam Martin
    Liam Martin
    Co-founder, Time Doctor

    “Fellow has completely changed the way we manage meetings at Time Doctor. With 100+ people in 32 different countries, Fellow was one of the tools that took our remote meetings from confusion to clarity.

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