🚀 Breathe.

2023 Engineering Leadership Summit 🚀

The #FellowEngSummit happened live on Friday, January 27th. You can still catch the recordings in our YouTube channel (don’t forget to subscribe for more leadership content!) ⬇️

Featuring exclusive conversations with leaders from

January 27, 2023 • 10:30am-3:00pm ET

Leadership tactics from world-class technical teams ✨

The journey through leadership does not need to be a lonely one. We are gathering some of the best technical leaders to share their top insights to help you become an effective Engineering Leader in 2023.

No credit card required.

Managing Distributed Engineering Teams • 10:45 am ET

Live Fireside Chat • 12:00 pm ET

Scaling GitHub from 1.5 to 7 million daily active users (DAUs)

Lessons on hiring, leading an M&A, and remote communication from Jason Warner, MD at Redpoint and Former Chief Technology Officer at GitHub.

Register now

Learning How to Manage Technical Managers • 1:15 pm ET

Keynote • 2:15 pm ET

Strategic Work for the Busy Leader

Working strategically is hard when you’re busy all the time! This talk will cover:

✅ What does it actually mean to really think and act strategically? 

✅ What actions can you take to lead more strategically every day?
✅ What skills can you develop that help your ability to think and act strategically? 

You’ll walk away with practical tips that you can start implementing tomorrow to become more impactful and successful in your role.

Register now

Learn from experienced leaders 🤩

If you’re an Engineering Director, VP, or CTO, this event will have the right professional development content for you.

After interviewing hundreds of Engineering Leaders, we curated the most important topics and tactics known in 2023.

    Register now

    Network with a community of technical managers 🤝

    Leadership does not need to be a lonely feat. Join our community of Engineering Leaders to network and discuss everything technical management.

      Register now

      Get tactical advice ✅

      Leave the event with actionable tips from industry experts  to implement across your teams.

      Register now

      Ready to learn about effective engineering management?  

      Register now and join us live on January 27th at 10:30 AM