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Top 7 Meeting Bots: Tools and Benefits

Discover our guide on the top 7 meeting bots you can use in your organizations for enhanced meeting optimization and productivity.

By Jane Godiner  •   March 1, 2024  •   7 min read

It’s no secret that leading a flawless meeting can be a daunting task, but there’s no reason for you to be in it alone. That’s true even if the people around you can’t help much more—enter meeting bots. These apps (they’re not actual, tangible robots) simplify the meeting process from start to finish. Whether you’re drafting an agenda before a meeting, streaming media during one, or referencing meeting minutes after wrapping up, meeting bots can change the game.

Keep reading to learn more about meeting bots—and how to make them work for you and your team.

What is a bot?

A bot is a software feature or platform that automates one or more tasks. Bots are known for making countless processes run more smoothly and efficiently. 

While you and your team might often struggle with overloaded plates, bots are built for multitasking and can help you clear your to-do list. Plus, since they’re immune to the pitfalls of human error, you can rest assured that they’ll complete your tasks with impressive accuracy. 

What is a meeting bot? 

A meeting bot is specifically designed to help you hold better meetings. Maybe you need to record or transcribe the audio or video content from a meeting. Maybe you’re looking to stream some engaging visuals or audio into your next presentation. Or maybe you just want some help upping your meeting game altogether. Whatever the case, a bot can help you get the most out of your meetings and take them to the next level. 

The right meeting bot can help you increase workplace productivity and stay organized throughout a packed day. Using a meeting bot can make all the difference when you’re inundated with new information and want to keep your ducks in a row.

Advanced AI meeting note-taking, recording and summaries

Fellow’s AI Meeting Copilot automatically records, transcribes, and summarizes your meetings while seamlessly integrating into your meeting workflow and favorite tools, all in one place. Everyone has an accurate record of the meeting and automated meeting outcomes, empowering them to stay present and aligned. Get 300 free minutes of AI transcriptions today!

How meeting bots optimize meetings

The following are three of the best ways that a bot can optimize your next meeting.

Recording and transcribing meetings

Even the best note-takers can use a helping hand now and then. By using a bot to record and transcribe your meetings, you stay present and focused rather than struggling to jot everything down. Plus, bots can often figure out who’s saying what too, keeping your transcripts clear and easy to follow. And on the off-chance that a bot transcribes something incorrectly, you can always correct it based on the bot’s audio recording.

Reminding your team about upcoming meetings

When all hands are on deck for a project, it can be hard to remember when your next check-in meeting will be. That’s why meeting bots remind your team for you—this way, you can focus your efforts on making the meeting worth their while. 

When your meeting is approaching, a bot can alert your team and remind them to hop on a call or gather in the conference room. Plus, with Fellow’s meeting automations like pre-meeting reminders, auto-record, and post-meeting recaps, setting up these reminders has never been easier.

Getting feedback (and acting on it)

At the end of a meeting, there’s nothing more valuable than getting your team’s input about how it went. You can use a meeting bot to collect feedback both during and after your meetings. 

For example, as you run your virtual meeting, a live bot can collect questions and impressions from your team as you work through your agenda. You can also use a chatbot to ask for feedback once your meeting wraps up—the possibilities are endless! With Fellow’s meeting feedback features, you can also leave star ratings and suggestions for improvement to make your feedback crystal-clear.

Top 7 meeting bots 

Below are the top seven meeting app bots, as well as their key features and uses.

Fellow: Best overall

Fellow’s bot, the AI Meeting Copilot, consistently delivers the most effective and seamless meeting support possible. With Fellow’s meeting bot, you can automatically record, transcribe, and summarize meetings so you’re not left second-guessing what was covered in your last huddle. It shifts your attention away from note-taking and toward strong meeting leadership, keeping you and your whole team engaged and present.

Fellow’s AI Meeting Copilot isn’t just a Zoom bot—it also offers seamless integrations with Microsoft Teams and Google Meet.

Once your meeting wraps up, you can search Fellow’s transcript to review the most important details from each conversation. With Fellow, you can easily share AI meeting summaries, along with meeting recordings and full searchable transcripts, within minutes of meetings ending.

The Fellow AI Meeting Copilot will also generate meeting sections to organize talking points and automate action items and decisions based on the conversation so everyone is aligned and follow-ups are clear.


Fireflies.ai offers an AI meeting assistant that transcribes and analyzes recordings from virtual meetings. It’s notably compatible with Webex in addition to the big three online meeting platforms (Microsoft Teams, Zoom, and Google Meet). 

With Fireflies.ai, you can manipulate the playback speed to reach the point faster (or slower). You can also use Fireflies.ai’s collaborative software to get all hands on deck when it comes to reviewing a recorded meeting.


If you’re looking to try out a meeting bot on a budget, then Fathom might be the right choice for you. This free AI meeting assistant is compatible with the big three virtual meeting platforms and also integrates with CRMs like Hubspot, Salesforce, and Close. Fathom also has a searchable repository for calls and provides keyword alerts, which can save you valuable post-meeting time.


Avoma’s end-to-end AI meeting assistant specializes in conversation intelligence and revenue intelligence. As such, it might be a good fit if you’re looking for support on meeting analysis. It transcribes and records meetings automatically, and it provides AI-generated notes that can give you the gist of long and complex meetings.

Avoma is more than a Zoom bot — it’s also compatible with Bluejeans, GoToMeeting, Highfive, Lifesize, and UberConference. It tops this spate of integrations off with speaker identification, AI scorecards, and automatic scoring.


Sembly is an end-to-end meeting assistant known for meeting notes and summaries. It curates the most important information from your meetings, with less of an emphasis on analysis. It also highlights the most important items from each transcript, including action items, upcoming events, and possible risks or issues.

Sembly works on Zoom, Google Meet, and Microsoft Teams. Once you sync it with your Outlook or Google Calendar, it’ll automatically join, transcribe, and summarize your meetings.


From the popular transcription app Otter comes OtterPilot, an AI-powered meeting assistant that goes beyond Otter’s typical transcription services. It records and transcribes your meetings in real time, and once your meeting is done, it automatically sends everyone a summary.

This bot offers search and keyword analysis, as well as the option to ask the bot, through AI chat, to retrieve quotes from the transcript. You can ask OtterPilot anything about your recorded meetings, and if the answers are in the transcript, it’ll direct you to them. 


Airgram is another meeting bot that syncs your calendar availability and automatically joins your meetings so you can set it and forget it. You can use Airgram to record and transcribe your meetings, and it also sends out links and snippets to key internal and external players. 

Your team can integrate Airgram’s meeting bot with Google Calendar, Outlook, Slack, Google Docs, Notion, Zapier, and Hubspot. With a wide range of software compatibility and features, Airgram is a good fit if you run a small team looking to get stuff done.

How to add a bot to a meeting 

Adding a bot to your next meeting doesn’t have to be intimidating, especially if you’re using Fellow’s AI Meeting Copilot. Its user-friendly interface makes adding it to your next meeting easier than ever. 

Fellow’s browser extensions feature allows you to toggle on the Copilot without leaving your call or breaking your meeting’s flow. Plus, if you know you’ll need the bot in advance, you can schedule the Copilot to join existing and future events automatically. With Fellow, it’s truly that simple.

Check out the video demo below, where Fellow.app CEO Aydin Mirzaee takes you step-by-step on how to add Fellow’s AI Meeting Copilot to your meetings efficiently and effortlessly.

Smart meetings, smart work with Fellow

Whether you’re streamlining your meeting processes or trying to make better use of your meeting time, Fellow’s meeting management software is your new best friend. With Fellow, you can save time and focus on what matters during meetings with AI meeting summaries, meeting guidelines, and a meeting cost calculator

Fellow’s AI Meeting Copilot is the best meeting bot out there. Combine it with Fellow’s time-saving meeting agenda templates, and you’ll blow your next meeting out of the water—and every meeting after that too. 

If you’re looking to call in reinforcements for your next meeting, look no further than Fellow. Your team will thank you for it!

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